Come and Get It

I hope you change your mind
about going north.

I suppose I ought to know by now I can
never expect any help from my family.

The Reverend Taylor
said to me yesterday...

he took one look
at my face and he said.

"Mrs. Glasgow. If I ever I saw a woman
who's a martyr to her family.

That woman is you."
I've got to get to the office
before I go north.

- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.

- I'll go to the door with you.
- Come on.

- Morning. Mr. Glasgow.
- Morning.

I've been tripping
over that for years.

It's a wonder somebody
wouldn't take it out.

- Morning. Mr. Glasgow.
- Morning. Josie.

Has the report on that
new bleaching process come in?

The what?
The bleaching proce...
The report on the new
bleaching process. Did it come in?

- We're expecting it tomorrow.
- It should have been here today.

- Find out why it isn't here.
- Yes. Sir.

And. Josie...
Make a reservation on the 5:00 train.
Be sure it's a drawing room.

- I'm going to Iron Ridge.
- Thank heaven.

- What did you say?
- Nothing.

What do you want?
If I can hang on to it.
I think I've got something here.

Tony Schwerke and I
have been experimenting.

- Well. What is it?
- A paper drinking cup.

- A what?
- A paper cup. To use in public places.

You drink out of it
and throw it away. It's sanitary.

Sanitary. My eye!
People have been drinking
out of glasses for a thousand years.

- A thousand years is a long time. But...
- Don't waste my time.

- Father...
- You heard what I said.

Yes. Sir.
