Come and Get It

- I got bad news.
- What's the matter?

- The camp burn down two nights ago.
- How did that happen?

That fool Cookie. He start fire.
Then sashay out to get deer.

When he get back.
Camp is big blaze. But he put it out.

- Where am I going to stay?
- Stay right here with me.

Doggone it.
I wanted to do some shooting.

All right.
I'll go back on number 11 tonight.

You stay here.
You get deer just the same.

You can't do that.
It's too far to go. Morning and night.

Maybe you ain't get back here
in another ten years.

Sure I will.
I'm coming back soon.
Swan. This is a nice place
you got here.

Comfortable. Cozy. And...
Say. What is this?

Ain't you remember
that night at Alcazar?

When we do such good job
on them hoodlums?

- This is one of the trays?
- Ja.

By golly. We have fun that night.
You and me and Lotta.

Lotta... she put that there.
She talk many times
about that night... before she die.

She talk many times
about you. Too. Barney.

She always say. "Someday.
Barney come back and see us."

But you... you never come.
Well. You know how it is. Swan.
Ja. I guess you pretty busy fellow.
- And have you been happy?
- Ja. You bet I happy.

Lotta make fine wife.
She learn to cook just like Swede.
