By George. I got to
get that fixed.
Go right in.
Mr. Glasgow's been waiting for you.
Come in. Come in.
- Well. We are dressed up. Aren't we?
- How do we look?
- How do you like my hat?
- It's fine.
That owl. He hoot and hoot
and keep me awake two or three nights.
By George. He ain't hooting now.
You shouldn't have told that.
Never mind. I like it.
And I like it. Too. Karie.
There we go!
Won't you sit down.
Make yourself comfortable?
What's this place?
It's a private car. I had it
sent up to take us to Chicago.
- Nobody come in but us?
- It's just like heaven.
Of course not.
Would you like to have
something to eat now?
- Yes.
- Snowflake.
Tell the steward I want to order
some dinner. Have it served in here.
- But...
- Yes!
- I beg your pardon?
- Nothing.
You were going to say something.
I thought we were going
to eat in the dining car.
I've never been in one. I've watched
them go by with people eating.
And I thought how grand I'd feel
if I were there. Too.
Bless your heart.
Never mind about the steward.
We'll eat in the dining car.
It's perfectly all right.
We're here to have a lot of fun.
And you can have
anything that you want.
- Do you want to eat now?
- Ja!
All right. Come and get it!
Come and get it!
Hello. Mr. Glasgow.
It's nice to have you with us again.
- Thank you. Clem.
- I've saved you a nice table.
- That's fine.
- This way. Please.
- Hi. Barney.
- Well. Hello. Charlie.
Sit down.
I'll be with you in a minute.
What are you doing
up in this neck of the woods?
- Been up fishing at Twin Forks.
- Any luck?
Only fair.
What are you doing up here?
I'm on my way to Chicago.
This is Swan Bostrom and his folks.
He and I used to be loggers together.
He hurt his back.
I'm taking him to a specialist.
Nothing the matter
with the girl. Though. Is there?
Don't be silly.
I'm old enough to be her father.
- That's what I always tell 'em.
- You old polecat.