
Mme. Maurice Pauquet.
Maurice Pauquet!
Dr. Pauquet, the nerve specialist?

Yes, he's my husband. Do you know him?
No, but who has not heard of him in Paris?
Unfortunately, I have never had
the pleasure of meeting him.

- Maybe you would like to meet him?
- But, madame, of course.

All right. Would you bring the pearis
to my husband's office at 6:00?

And my husband will give you the cheque.
Thank you, madame.
It will be an honour to meet the doctor.

And one never knows
when one will go crazy.

- Goodbye, madame, and a thousand thanks.
- Goodbye, monsieur.

- Dr. Pauquet?
- Yes, madame. Would you please be seated?

- Your name, please?
- Mme. Duvalle.

Mme. Aristide Duvalle.
Aristide Duvalle, the famous jeweller?
Yes, I am his wife. Do you know him?
I've never had that pleasure,
but of course I've heard of him.

Who hasn't in Paris?
That's what makes it so much worse.
Doctor, I...
It's too terrible to speak of.
No. Come, come, come now.
Do you want me to have you for a patient?
You're right. I must be calm for his sake.
You see, all of a sudden,
for the past few weeks...

my husband has been suffering from...
Well, I suppose
you would call it hallucinations.

Can you tell me the symptoms?
They are different.
- He has an obsession about money.
- Who hasn't nowadays?
