- I was very late for a luncheon appointment.
- What?
And I wanted to keep it,
but not because of the food.
I get it.
Why did you leave me in the middle of the
road? I'd have been glad to drive you.
You were going slower and slower,
and you know yourself why.
It's very silly to say,
but suddenly I got in the most awful panic.
I didn't know you, we were alone there...
and before I knew what I was doing,
I stepped on the gas.
I was really afraid.
Of what?
Of you.
Well, there was no need of it.
I paid you a few compliments.
I told you how charming
and how lovely you were...
and I'd still repeat it,
but I didn't do anything.
But you intended to.
I did not.
You had it in your eye.
I didn't know it showed.
By the way,
did you make your luncheon appointment?
Yes, but after I got here, I didn't keep it.
You know...
it may seem strange,
but I've never had dinner with a Countess.
And I'm afraid you never will.
We are leaving today.
- So am I. Are you going to Madrid, too?
- No.
Neither am I.