- And a pound of prunes.
- What's his name?
- Who was he?
- What else?
Well, I can't tell you any more. It was
told me in the strictest confidence.
Fanny, that isn't fair.
Please. Come on.
But, darling, you know
I'm as silent as a tomb.
But are you sure he's not innocent?
My dear young woman,
in this country...
...people don't land in jail
unless they're guilty.
My wife's sister called up and told her
that a friend of hers told her...
...that this guy acted
as cocky as a bronco.
All he'd answer was,
"Let me phone my lawyer."
Sure. That's the racket
of those bigtime attorneys.
Helping these skunks beat the law.
Well, they won't beat it
with any jury I'm ever on.
If all us people had the courage
of our convictions...
...these vermin would vanish
like spit on a hot stove.
Set them up for the boys, Oscar.
Four beers.
Last time after you played
that slot machine...
...it was full of telephone slugs.
Now, ain't that a shame.
Say, Dawson...
...I hear they gave that guy
your favorite cell at the jail.
Next time I'm in,
it'll be for beating you up.
All right, big shot.
While I didn't vote
for Hummel for sheriff...
...his promptness in catching
this kidnapper is commendable.
They can't bring him to trial
any too quickly to suit me.
- Lf you don't mind.
- Well, excuse me for living.
- Mr. Pippen.
- Hello, George.
- I have some fine, new English flannel.
- Later, Durkin.
- Yes, as you wish.
- My usual, Oscar.
We were discussing down
at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon...
We were discussing at the luncheon
about what a great publicity break...