
I don't know yet that he is
a kidnapper, so neither do you.

What are you trying to do, Hummel?
- Protect this weasel?
- That's pretty comical, you cockroach.

You teaching me law and order.
You've been stirrings up trouble
for law and order hereabouts...

...ever since you put on long pants.
Anything more I can do
for you gentlemen?

Here, let me talk.
No offense meant.

I'm sure, sheriff, we can count on you
keeping everything shipshape, I'm sure.

Good afternoon.
But I would like to...
Good day, sheriff.
- Goodbye, sheriff.
- Well, good day.

It's an outrage a man can't stand up
for law and order...

Men do stand up for it.
I'll tell you one thing, Hummel.
My friends won't be satisfied...

...with what those pillars
of society have to tell them.

An attack on a girl hits us
ordinary people where we live.

We're gonna see that politics
don't cut any ice.

I'm gonna see that a lot
of half-baked rumors don't either.

Now hightail out of here
and behave yourself...

...or I'll have the county take you
and all your relatives off the dole.

Myrtle, get the governor
on the phone.

I'll have the National Guard ready
for any merited emergency.
