Where's that special deputy list
I made out?
Did I tell you to call up the gov...?
Wait a minute.
Here, Myrtle, first call up
the men I've checked on that list.
Get out the tear gas bombs.
- Two apiece.
- Right.
Sheriff, we wanna talk
to this Wilson guy.
Boys, keep out of this.
There's no positive proof
that the man you want to...
...talk to is guilty.
Or innocent either.
The district attorney
is checking on him now.
But whichever he is...
...he's under the protection
of the law.
As long as I stand here
you can yell yourselves hoarse.
- But you won't see this man.
- Then you won't stand there long.
We'll move you.
Well, then I ought to tell you men...
...the National Guard is on its way.