
You're diving in over your heads, men.
Listen to reason.

Stop acting like a lot of hysterical...
I'm warning you!
Don't make me use force.

You're not up against just us here.
- More deputies, with tear gas and rifles...
- Hey!

Hey, jailer! Jailer! Come here, will you?
Hey, jailer!

Jailer! Have the sheriff inform
my girl, will you?

She's the one I wanted to call up.
I just didn't wanna get her
mixed up in this thing.

She can tell you who I am.
Ten cents.
Hey, buddy! Hey!
Hey, is this the way to Strand?
- Straight ahead.
- Okay, thanks. Keep going.

Them newsreel guys are on their toes.
Must have found out before it happened.

I phoned where I live.
There's no word of him.

Oh, he had a puncture, I suppose.
Everything will be all right.

The things that happen.
The bus driver just told me...

...they got somebody they suspect
of that kidnapping at Strand.

A fella named Joe Wilson.
The mob there is trying
to make him confess.

Joe Wilson? But...
Joe... That's impossible.
He never hurt a hair on anyone's head
in his life.

Where's a car? I've got to go there.
Lend me your car, please? I've got to go.

- The boys got my car.
- When's the next bus?

They ain't no more.
What'll I do? I've got to go.
