There he is!
I am the resurrection and the life,
saith the Lord.
I am a stranger with thee
and a sojourner, as all my fathers were.
God forgive him and our trespasses, as
we forgive them who trespass against us.
Run in back, Wilson. Get back there!
What are you looking for,
the Peabody girl?
Get back!
Jiggers! The soldiers are coming!
- Let's beat it.
- Wait! I've got an idea.
- They'll never get him out.
- That's the stuff.
After this dynamite,
they won't be able to find the jail.
Wait! Here's somebody!
Help her up!
Why, the very spirit of government
has been violated.
The state disgraced in the eyes
of the world...
...by this brutal outburst
of lust for vengeance.
And I blame myself.
I let you talk me down.
That mob could have been stopped
if assistance had been sent...
...to officers in time.
- Forget it.
The reformers will cuss around for a while
and then start cussing something else.
These letters and telegrams backing up
the statement I gave.
Congratulations, 90 percent of them.
"Finest thing we've heard of in years."