They get a big kick out of seeing a man
burned to death. A big kick!
What an explosion.
It blew the cell door off,
and it killed...
I got out down a rain-pipe.
I almost burned my side off.
I could smell myself burn!
- It's awful. I feel like thanking God.
- Did you get burned bad?
That don't hurt me.
You can't hurt a dead man and I'm dead.
Everybody knows that.
The whole country. I'm dead, see.
You remember me preaching to you
to live right?
Live right. I tried it. I tried to like it.
And people... But they won't let you!
You were right. Donelli was right.
Everyone was right but me. I was wrong.
I know now. I'll get them.
- We'll get a lawyer and have them...
- Arrested for disturbing the peace?
For setting fire to a jail, maybe?
No, that's not enough for me.
I'm burned to death
by a mob of animals.
I'm legally dead.
They're legally murderers.
That I'm alive is not their fault.
But I know them.
I know a lot of them.
And they'll hang for it.
According to the law which says
if you kill somebody...
...you gotta be killed yourself.
I'll give them the chance
they didn't give me.
They'll get a legal trial
in a legal courtroom.
They'll have a legal judge
and a legal defense.
They'll get a legal sentence
and a legal death.
But I can't do it myself.
You'll have to do it for me.
You see that?
I tore it out of a law book.
My husband says it would be a blessing
if the community would forget...
...what happened.