The whole town's tongue-tied.
Under wraps.
- Protecting its own, naturally.
- Ask anybody!
They'll tell you Joe was there.
Before I can charge anybody
with murder...
...I have to prove a murder
was committed.
And I can't even find anyone who will
...that at the time the jail burned,
your brother was in it at all.
Sorry, boys, but I've got to go
back tonight.
Come on, I don't believe she ran out
on him.
We got an hour till train time, so we
might as well try. We can ask, anyway.
I'll do the talking.
Miss Grant live here?
She's very sick.
She can't talk to anyone.
- Our name's Wilson. We're...
- Oh, his brothers. Come in, come in.
Hello, Katherine.
- It's Charlie.
- And Tom.
This is the way she's been ever since
she came home.
Katherine, don't you remember us?
We came from Joe...
We're Joe's brothers.
Joe, Katherine.
You see? It's the same as ev...
Land sakes! Excuse me a second.
I've got broth on the stove.
Charlie, look. She is sick.
- Lf we tell her Joe's all right...
- Shut up!
She can't hear. But it's not fair
to her not to know. It might help.
No, no. Let me think.
No. No! No!