Joe! Joe!
No, it's Charlie.
Charlie, Katherine, and Tom.
What is...?
Joe's brothers. Try and remember,
Katherine. Joe's brothers.
Oh, Charlie...
...I saw him.
I saw him...
...behind those flames...
...in that burning jail.
His face.
There, dear heart, it's all over now.
The witness.
I'll make them suffer.
I'll get them now, all right.
Why'd you have to come to Capital City?
Why didn't you stay in Chicago?
Your picture will be in the papers.
Somebody will see you.
Nobody will see me because I'll be
hiding. I had to be on the scene.
Did you think I was going to wait
for letters from you?
I think Joe's right. It's natural, wanting
to hear everything as soon as possible.
- Maybe he'll wanna see Katherine.
- Get this straight!
Katherine's not to know I'm alive.
She'd crack. Never go through with it.
She wouldn't see things
the way I see them.
I wanna hear everything they say.
I wanna see them squirm
the way they made me.
I wanna see them
at the end of a rope.
Adams, I've got to hold this party
together in this state.
These star-spangled heroics of yours
will blow it a mile high.
I've got to proceed with this case
as my oath of office requires.
You and your wife
and that boy of yours...
Adams, you like to eat, don't you?
Sure, Will.
But some of the things people have had
to eat in this country lately...
...haven't agreed with their stomachs.
- But...