... or proofs of guilt against,
the by now silent corpse.
But no one can dare defend the lynching
of an innocent man.
American democracy and its system
of fair play for the rights of individuals...
...under the law is on trial here,
ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
To this end, you must be guided
not only by your common sense...
...but by your patriotism.
As counsel for these defendants,
Your Honor...
...ladies and gentlemen of the jury...
...I must point out that my clients
are not on trial for treason...
...against any philosophy
of government...
...as our esteemed district attorney
seems to think.
They're on trial for murder.
A charge you will see vanish
into thin air here...
...as the state, to cover up its own
criminal negligence...
...in not protecting this innocent man,
proceeds in this savage attempt...
...to kill as scapegoats...
...these 22 bewildered souls.
These defendants have pleaded
not guilty to the charge of murder.
We're ready, Your Honor.
Are you ready, Mr. Adams?
With the permission of the court
and of my friends for the defense...
...and their experienced associate
brought from the city of New York...
...l'll reverse the usual order
of procedure...
...and instead of establishing
the crime itself...
...first establish the whereabouts
of the accused...
...during the commission thereof.
As its first witness,
the state calls Edna Hooper.
Raise your right hand
and place your left on the Bible.
Do you swear you'll tell the whole truth
and nothing but the truth?