- I do.
- Be seated, please.
- Your name?
- Miss Edna Hooper.
- Your residence, Miss Hooper?
- Twenty-three Catalpa Avenue, Strand.
Strand is the town in which
this lynching took place?
Objection! Object as
to his incompetence.
- Question assumes a fact not in evidence.
- Sustained. Strike it out.
I will reframe the question.
Strand is where the jail burned down
on the night of October 26th, is it not?
Yes, but I certainly had nothing
to do with the...
You're not on trial, Miss Hooper.
Your occupation in Strand, please?
I am a couturier and a modiste.
By couturier and modiste, you mean
you're a dressmaker, do you not?
It's just the difference between a
dress shop and a gown shoppe.
On the afternoon and evening
of the day in question...
...you were employed in your capacity
as a couturier...
...in the home of Frederick Garrett
in Strand, were you not?
- I was.
- Who was in the house beside yourself?
The baby and Mr. And Mrs. Garrett.
And this Mr. Garrett...
...is the same Frederick Garrett
who is one of these defendants here?
Will Frederick Garrett stand, please?
This man, charged with murder,
is the Frederick Garrett who...
...by the testimony of your eyesight,
Miss Hooper...
...was at home that Saturday afternoon
and evening, then?
I will remind the witness
that she is under oath...
...and ask her again.
Edna Hooper, will you swear that during
the hours when this indictment...
...charges that this defendant,
Frederick Garrett...
...among others,
murdered Joseph Wilson...
...will you swear that during those hours
Garrett was peaceably in his own house?