Le Crime de Monsieur Lange

Well it doesn't look much
but the food's good

Behind the dunes is the frontier
And on the other side is liberty
You've been very decent
Mr Meunier

Not at all
I enjoyed the drive

We'd like a room right away
We must leave early tomorrow

You can have one
if you're not too fussy

Louise! Show them the way
What is it?

Lovely white room!
Yes even the walls
White sheets too!
They know how to wash linen
Nice to have clean white linen
What's the matter?
Are you sleeping?
No I'm not sleeping
just resting

I tell you its him
We must tell the police
A murderer in my house!
It certainly wouldn't be
the first time

It might not be him
It is. We must denounce him
Denounce him? What for?
Want a reward?
Of course I do
None of that!
