Le Crime de Monsieur Lange

Drop it all...
Come back to earth

You'll see what I'm going
to bring out

"Javert" - a weekly
detective story magazine

I'll have all the best
detective writers
eating out of my hand

Yes... everybody's a cop nowadays
Disgusting beast!
When I think I slept with you...

I feel sick!
Fastidious, eh?
What's going on?
Crisis and scandal

Disgusting, I call it
Who'll buy that?
Everyone you included

The brain washing machine!
What a business to stop it!

Pretty girl!
Good day to you
Please take a seat

What a fine dog you have
I know a lot about dogs
Daisy's a bitch

Daisy? Ah yes...
An excellent breed

Daisy is her name!
Must be English
She's Belgian

How extraordinary! But it
doesn't matter. She's a nice dog

A very nice dog
And what brings you here,
Mr Baigneur, may I ask?

I am extremely annoyed and
the directors of Ranimax are furious

They even say
you have swindled them

Swindled was the word
I don't know
what you're talking about

Over the last year we were
to publish various edifying works

"They Shall Not Pass"...
"Work Song"... "Saint Thomas
Aquinas". Three masterpieces

Quite true, and we were to insert
in these edifying masterpieces...
