What a Sunday! I'm fed up!
Two months in this hole
with my leg in plaster
In hospital I could see
through the window
You shouldn't play the fool
But he likes risks and adventure
Adventure, oh, of course!
You and your stories of Indians.
I know Indians better than you do
In Tonkin...
There are no Indians there
There are Tonkinese
They're just the same as Indians
They're all niggers...
No brains...
and lazy into the bargain
What a chump!
Him and Mum make a right pair!
Good old Dad!
There's a leak on the fifth floor
I'm off!
You're looking very smart!
Going out with a girl?
I forget
I've brought you "Arizona"
The episode where the gangsters
steal the workers' pay
Was it worth it?
6,000 workers... 3 gangsters
They could live on that
Not for long. Jim gets them
Look at the cover
What'd you know?
Must be off now
Going already?
I have a rendez-vous
Has nobody ever told you
you are the Mexican type?
No, I come from Limoges
Limoges... porcelain!
I don't know
I always lived in Paris
What about your father?
I never knew him
He was very retiring!
When did you go there?
To Mexico... to Arizona
Never been there?
No, but I've read about it...
and I can ride a horse
You've never been there
and you write all that?
How do you manage to describe it?
I make it up!
Make it up...
Mexico... and the sun!