In love!
Want money for a taxi?
That's it...
You're understanding
And I've a dinner this evening
with influential people
I don't want them to pay
I'm always borrowing from you
old man, but I'll give it back
Listen, Estelle, that Batala
is the biggest crook I've ever met
Won't you have a lump of sugar?
You should have eaten
Not hungry
What shall I do now?
An intelligent girl
always finds something to do
I once knew a fellow... well...
Wonderful chap
He lived off women
Horrible fellow
He had noticed
that when a train is leaving...
there is always someone crying
on the platform
Remarkable that...
for when a pretty woman is crying,
you know what happens, eh?
So with a platform ticket
and a handkerchief in your hand...
everything's possible!
Excuse me, I must...
How much?
15 francs, Sir
My train leaves in five minutes
I must go
You'll write?
Of course I will. Don't be silly
The cigarettes, Madam!
How much?
Two packets... 24 francs