Le Crime de Monsieur Lange

Just found out?
We're trying
to organize things but...

Someone has an option
on "Arizona"

That's bad
Batala had me sign a paper
I trusted him

A real mess. I don't understand any
of it. Let them sort it out

If you see Charlie today...
would you say I think
of him and only him all the time?

I'll tell him
Because I've decided to leave

Yes, to go away
I represent Mr Meunier of Lille
chief creditor

All we want to know is
whether we shall be paid

Whether we eat or not?
Mr Meunier, chief creditor,
is coming today

Damn the chief creditor!
Gentlemen, I have an option
Keep quiet, Daisy
My company has been
completely swindled

But as I have an option...
I am owed money too
I've supplied paper. I must be paid

The machines must be sold
Speak up, Louis
Gentlemen, I make a proposal
in the name of the staff

The idea is a cooperative
of the staff

I am the sole heir
and I am in agreement

All I want is a little job
I was tricked!
I'm an old soldier
He'd borrowed 400 francs
Have you a receipt?

That's odd
An old soldier's word for it

And the word of a police inspector?
No receipt... no money
I say it's a swindle
What d'you mean, a receipt?
