Well, it has its ups and downs.
Somehow the job that'll put you
on easy street never pans out.
That's life, my friend.
Are you hungry?
- I wouldn't want to impose.
But you'd rob me blind instead?
Hardly logical.
To hell with logic.
I was raised with certain manners.
We'll say you're stealing it, then.
In that case, I don't mind at all.
- Are you often hungry?
- lt happens.
- Where do you sleep?
- ln a flophouse.
- Happy with your life?
- Sometimes.
I like it in the summer
when it's nice and warm.
I like dozing in the grass.
Is that nice?
It can be.
- Have you always lived like that?
- Always.
Did you never think
such a life wasn't worth the trouble?
Such a life?
It's the only life I know, sir.
You may drop the formalities.
With pleasure.
You lose.
- What were we playing for?
- Your place in paradise.
- May I take one?
- Help yourself.
- There's only one left.
- Take it.
Then we'll split it.
Take my case, then.