Afraid Baron would sound
ridiculous here?
Not at all.
- Are you a real baron?
- As real as can be.
We had a count here once.
A good guy, but he put on airs.
Nobility is like the pox -
you never get rid of it entirely.
If you're a baron, stay one.
We're all free men here.
See, he knows everything.
- What are they playing?
- Manille. Know how to play?
- I know them all.
- Go ahead.
- Your turn.
- Diamonds.
- Play.
- There.
Baron, Ill leave you
with these gentlemen.
Have fun. See you later.
Is there room for one more?
- Got money to lose?
- Fifty kopecks.
- Sit right down.
- Give him your seat.
Whose deal is it?
Mine? Perfect.
If I only had five kopecks.
- What for?
- To drink.
Don't drink. lt's bad for you.
Take this and let us play in peace.
- Thanks.
- Go on, deal.
What is it, my child?
Tell me something.
Talk to me.
l;m afraid.
Ive always been afraid.
Ive been beaten so much.
Ive always been hungry,
yet Ive always been afraid
of taking more than my share.
Does one suffer there as here?
You'll want for nothing.
You won't be afraid.
Death brings peace.
Death is kind to us poor.
You are so good.
You won't suffer anymore.
It will all disappear.