Lord, why did she even live?
We're born, we live, we die.
It's nothing to cry over.
Ill die in a flophouse too, someday.
Your life is just beginning.
It might be different.
Why kid myself?
No, try to understand.
No man ever loved Anna.
Perhaps a bit of love
would've changed everything.
What man is there here to love me?
Drunks and thieves?
Drunks aren't always drunk,
nor thieves always in prison.
Everyone gets a break sometime.
Listen, Natasha.
You ought to come away with me.
Why? You have to love a man
to do that.
There are days when I hate you
with all my heart!
I think real love should be blind to faults,
and I see yours clear as day.
What's the difference
if you beat me or my sister does?
Id sooner break my own arm
than harm you.
No, Pepel.
The man Ill love
won't be from here.
He'll have a job and he'll work.
He'll walk down the street
without worrying about the police.
It's Pepel.
And I never suspected.
I see.
You want the same breed,
just younger.
Get out, you little hypocrite!
- Calm down!
- This is my man!
His clothes are mine!
Ill have you beaten and thrown out!
Little slut!
- Will you calm down?
Go ahead, hit me. lnsult me.
Go upstairs.
You're acting like a fool!
And over nothing.
You'll never have her, Pepel.
Not her.
I just want peace.
Keep it up and you'll get your peace
the same way Anna did.