In case you don't know it, it's 2:00
in the morning, and I've been asleep.
What do I do? Put the dress
in mothballs for another trip?
Change it for a straitjacket
and order one for me.
- You ought to get some sleep, boss.
- No. This coffee will fix me up all right.
I press suit up quick.
Maybe you try him again this afternoon.
- Throw him in the nearest ashcan.
- One trail leads to Sydney.
The other one to Shanghai.
Both report the whereabouts
of Bill Chandler unknown.
Call up that detective agency,
see if they can find him.
Chandler? You mean Mr. Chandler...
- the fellow who used to work here?
- Yes.
- I know where he is.
- What?
Sure, he's a good friend of mine.
Just last week,
he gave me $10 for my mother.
- She's been sick.
- What's his address?
He's at the Grand Plaza.
The Grand...
No, that can't be the Chandler we want.
Don't you mean Bill Chandler...
who was always giving you the raspberry?
Yeah! That's the fellow!
Tell the cable office we found him.
- Right under my nose!
- Shall I get him?
No, I want to talk to him personally,
feel him out a little.
So he's living at the Grand Plaza.
He must be in the money.
Warren Haggerty.
From Brooklyn to Bombay...
a stab in the back spells Haggerty.
I never stabbed you in the back,
Chandler, and I want...
After all, that was a long time ago,
and we should...
Bury the hatchet. Or was it a knife?
- Now get this, Chandler, I didn't knife you.
- You only tried to.
That was two years ago. We should...
- Let bygones be bygones.
- Why, sure. Whatever happened...
Is all over now. Goodbye.
It was nice to see you.
Good morning. Cigarettes, please.
Give my regards to the boys at the office.
You still at the Star?
Old man hasn't gotten wise to you yet.
Soon, you'll be out on your ear...
then the Star will be a first-class sheet.
Listen here, Chandler. If you're...
By the way, what are you
doing for yourself, Bill?
I just finished writing a book, Warren.