All about my early hardships,
the newspaper business...
and the rats I met running about.
- Lf you mention me in that book...
- Sue me for libel.
How is the libel these days?
You got a good man on the hush stuff?
Yeah, we get along.
Where did you go when you left us?
The intelligence department, Warren.
I always did like contrast. Cheerio.
- What's your hurry?
- Breakfast time.
- It can wait. I got an idea.
- I'll take breakfast.
I want to talk to you.
Warren, you weren't like that when I left.
- This is a proposition.
- Not before breakfast.
- I haven't got time for breakfast.
- That's too bad. Goodbye.
- Good morning, captain.
- Good morning, sir.
- Table for one.
- Table for two.
Very well, sir. This way, please.
- More coffee, sir?
- No, thanks.
Now, Warren, what's on your mind?
I've been thinking, Bill. After all,
you're a darn good newspaperman.
Maybe I was a little hasty when l...
You don't mean to give me back my job?
- That's it.
- Wait a minute.
You want to talk business?
All right, I'll talk.
You're in a jam over the Allenbury girl.
You printed a hot story
and she's suing you.
- Who told you?
- Elementary, my dear Watson.
I read the story. First edition only,
carried by no other paper.
That, says I,
is the fine Italian hand of Haggerty...
the bull in the china shop.
- What's she asking?
- $5 million.
Who does she think she is?
Just one of the richest girls in America.
Yes, I know all about her.
Title-crazy, with a fatheaded
old father to buy her in and out.
America's international playgirl.
That's her rep...
and she thinks it's worth $5 million.
When I get through with her,
she'll take five cents.
- Done. You're on the payroll.
- No, Warren. No philanthropy.
During the six months that I was on
the Star, I saved you, all told...
some $300,000. What did I get?
$125 a week.
That's the proposition, drawn yesterday.
I've been expecting you for 24 hours.
$5,000 down and $45,000 more
when you... Why, you're crazy.
No other reporter gets
that much money. It's robbery.
All right. Forget it.
You read any good books lately?
- Now, be reasonable, Bill.
- Take it or leave it. Wait a minute.