- Not if they know you like I do.
- What do you mean?
You remember poor Ed Glover?
You remember after he lost that libel suit?
They found his car gone over a cliff
and a revolver in his hand.
- Do you want me to kill myself?
- Did you change your insurance?
Would I ask you to do this thing for me...
if I didn't consider you
practically my wife?
Would you ask your wife
to hook up with that ape?
The ape objects.
Darling, you're not marrying him, really.
A wedding ceremony,
six hours in a hotel apartment...
during which time I'll never leave you,
and then he leaves for Europe.
- Don't talk to me. I'm leaving.
- Wait a minute. I'm leaving. The deal is off.
Here's your contract. $50,000.
- I wouldn't hook up with her for $1 million.
- Now, Bill, you know the spot I'm in.
That's your tough luck.
You'll have to get a new boy.
- You mean you're walking out on him?
- That's it, sister.
You know what the Star means to him...
you're a newspaperman. You know.
It'll ruin his life. It'll ruin his career.
A fine friend you are.
- Lf you put it that way.
- I'm putting it that way.
- Good. I'll get the guy.
- The things I do for that newspaper.
"And I pronounce you man and wife."
Aren't you going to kiss the bride?
Yes! Sure.
May I?
Why not?
Everybody else seems to be doing it.
Aren't you going to kiss me?
Sure, sure.
An old friend of the family.
Very old friend.
I hope you'll be very happy...
and don't forget to invite me
to your silver anniversary.
It'll have to be within the next six weeks.
Goodbye, and good luck.
Goodbye. Good luck to you.
- Take his arm.
- I'm taking your arm.