Libeled Lady

- Yes?
- Telegram for Mr. Chandler.

- Just wait. Clear the table, please.
- Yes, ma'am.

Bill, there's a telegram for you.
Thanks, sweetness.
Would you open it for me, honeykins?

- What is it?
- Read it.

- What does it say?
- It's from the office.

"Lmperative you sail Queen Anne tonight
for director's meeting in London.

"Reservations arranged.
Anderson will meet you. Bon voyage."

You can't leave me.
Bill, you mustn't leave me!

Baby, this is terrible,
breaking into our honeymoon like this.

But what am I to do, honey? I'll have to go.
You can't.
It's only for a couple of weeks,
Mrs. Chandler.

But a couple of weeks
are a couple of weeks!

- I'll miss my little Billikins.
- And I'll miss my little fuzzy-face.

I'm afraid you'll have to hurry
if you're gonna make that boat.

Yes, that's right. Here, boy.
Just take my grips here.
These leather ones are mine.

Sure was a lucky thing
that I didn't unpack.

Waiter, thank you very much.
Darling, I'll miss you every minute.
Every second!
Hold it. They've gone.
Save it for the elevator.

- Well, for the...
- Here comes the elevator.

The bride and groom.
Darling, I'll miss you every minute.
Every second.
Goodbye, old man.
He's gone.
The maid.
Why, he'll come back, Mrs. Chandler.
