Bert will be so pleased
that we're crossing together.
- How are you, Mrs. Burns-Norvell?
- And you're joining us for dinner.
I won't take no.
It's my birthday, I'll be 21 at midnight.
- I'm very sorry.
- No, no excuses.
We'd love to, but you see, Connie...
I'm sorry if I'm late, J.B.,
but I had to send a very important wire.
Shall we go in to dinner now?
- Yes.
- We're dining with Mr. Charmers.
Mrs. Burns-Norvell
and her daughter, Barbara.
How do you do?
Can't we all have dinner together?
- They're going to talk business.
- Yes.
You see, I'm a writer...
and Mr. Allenbury and I
are doing a book together.
But too wonderful!
You must tell me all about it tomorrow.
- I'm always up for lunch.
- Yes.
Well, we're indebted to you again. Thanks.
That was fast thinking.
I suppose we'll have to have
dinner together now. Shall we?
Three, sir?
Father, you're in luck.
Your favorite fish, brook trout.
Do you care for trout?
Do I care for trout?
The one thing in the world
that I care for is trout...
in any shape or form.
Especially on the end of a line.
You're an angler?
I'm on my way now to Glen Arden...
all set to prove they'll rise
to a Parmacheene Belle.
No, not this early.
A Royal Coachman, perhaps.
Or maybe a Pink Lady by visible,
but not a Parmacheene Belle.
- I've caught them.
- Not at Glen Arden.
I know. I've fished Glen Arden. I've tried it.
shall we say trout?
What a sport.
To feel the trout on your line...
to play him, to reel him in.
- There's no thrill in the world like it.
- Just one that beats it.
When you first see him.
Not yet on your hook,
but rising to the bait.