Mr. Deeds Goes to Town

But it's a great story. Somewhere
a guy is walking into 20 million bucks.

My first concern
is to locate the lucky man.

When l do, you keep
the newspapers away from him.

Okay, as long as that weekly stipend
keeps coming in.

We located him, Mr. Cedar.
- Yes, John, we got him.
- Here's the report.

Longfellow Deeds, single, 28,
lives in Mandrake Falls, Vermont.

- Thank heaven.
- Better wire him.

I'll do no such thing. I'm going
there myself. You too, Anderson.

You too, Cobb.
Make three train reservations
to Mandrake Falls, Vermont.

- Where?
- Mandrake Falls.

"Welcome to Mandrake Falls...
where the scenery enthrals...
where no hardship e'er befalls.
Welcome to Mandrake Falls."
That's pretty.
- You're sure he lives in this town?
- This is the town, all right.

Well, I hope it's not
a wild goose chase.

No, sir, we checked it thoroughly.
He lives here, all right.

l spy a native.
Let's ask him.

- Good morning.
- Morning, neighbors, morning.

That's an excellent start.
At least we've broken the ice.

Do you know a fellow
by the name of Longfellow Deeds?

Yes, sir. Yes, indeedy.

Everyone knows Deeds.
Must be a game he's playing.
We'd like to get in touch with him.
- Who's that?
- Deeds. Who do you think?

Oh, yes, Deeds.
Fine fellow. Very democratic.

You won't have no trouble at all.
Talks to anybody.

- We'd better try somebody else.
- No.

Next time he comes out, I'll straddle
him while you ask him your questions.

Morning, neighbors.
Remember us, the fellows
who were here a minute ago?

Oh, yes, indeedy.
l never forget a face.

Listen, pop.
We've come all the way from New York
to look up a fellow named Deeds.

It's important.
It's very important.
