Mr. Deeds Goes to Town

Well, I write mine on order.
The people l work for tell me
what they want, and then l write it.

Why, that's true genius.
Have you any peculiar characteristics
when you're creating?

Well, I-- l play the tuba.
How original.
Well, I've been playing the harmonica
for 40 years.

Didn't do me a bit of good.
You wouldn't have one
in your pocket, would you?

What, a tuba?
No, a postcard
with one of your poems on it.

- Oh, no.
- You don't carry a pocketful with you?

Oh, too bad. l was hoping
you'd autograph one for me.

- l was too.
- Now wait a minute, boys.

Perhaps Mr. Deeds
would recite one for us.

That's a very good idea.
Nothing like a poet
reciting his own stuff.

How about a Mother's Day poem?
Exactly. Give us one that rings
the great American heart.

Yes. Go ahead.
l get the idea. l know why
l was invited here-- to make fun of me.

- Oh, not at all.
- Don't be ridiculous.

Look, he's temperamental.
Yeah? What if I am?
What about it?

It's easy to make fun of somebody
if you don't care how much you hurt 'em.

I think your poems are swell,
Mr. Brookfield...

but I'm disappointed in you.
l must look funny to you...
but maybe if you went to Mandrake Falls
you'd look just as funny to us...

only nobody would laugh at you
and make you feel ridiculous...

because that wouldn't be
good manners.

Maybe writing postcard poems is comical,
but a lot of people think they're good.

Anyway, it's the best l can do.
So if you'll excuse me,
we'll be leaving.

l guess l found out that
all famous people aren't big people.

Just one thing more.
If it weren't for Miss Dawson being
here, I'd bump your heads together.

Oh, l don't mind.
Then l guess maybe l will.
