I'd like to see Grant's tomb
and the Statue of Liberty.
You'll not only see those,
but before the evening's half through...
you'll be leaning against
the Leaning Tower of Pisa...
you'll mount Mount Everest.
I'll show you the pyramids
and all the little pyramidees...
leaping from sphinx to sphinx.
Pal, how would you like to go on
a real old-fashioned binge?
- Binge?
- Yeah, l mean the regain McCoy.
You play saloon with me...
and I'll introduce you to every wit,
nitwit and half-wit in New York.
We'll go on a twister that'll make
Omar the soused philosopher of Persia...
look like an anemic
on a goat's milk diet.
- That oughta be fun, huh?
- Fun? Say--
Listen, I'll take you
on a bender...
that will live in your memory
as a thing of beauty and a joy forever.
Boy? Boy, my headpiece!
O Tempora! O Mores! O Bacchus!
- Oh, you're drunk.
- Oh, you're right!
- If we go with him, we'll see things.
- I guess we will.
"'I play the tuba to help me think.'
This is one of the many startling
statements made by Longfellow Deeds...
New York's new Cinderella Man...
who went out last night to prove
that his uncle, the late M.W. Semple...
from whom he inherited
20 million dollars...
was an amateur in the art of standing
the town on its cauliflower ear."
"Cinderella Man."
That's sensational, Babe, sensational.
Took some high-powered acting,
believe me.
- Did it?
- I was the world's sweetest ingenue.
Is he really that big a sap?
He's the original.
There are no carbon copies of that one.
"Cinderella Man." That'll stick to him
for the rest of his life.
Can you imagine Cobb's face
when he reads this?
If we could sell tickets,
we'd make a fortune.
- How'd you get the picture?
- Had the boys follow us.
"At 2:00 a.m.
Mr. Deeds tied up traffic...
while he fed a bagful of donuts
to a horse.
When asked why he was doing it
he replied...
'To see how many donuts the horse would
eat before he asked for some coffee."'