Come on, honey, tell me.
It's Mrs. Upjohn.
She's leaving.
Oh, let her leave. Say, I have something
here worth 100 Upjohns.
You don't understand.
I'm going to lose this place.
No, you're not. That's what I'm trying
to tell you. From me to you, with love.
Your radio contract. You've got it!
"Gelding, out of Honey Lamb
by Blue Bolt...
...two-year, Hi Hat."
- Why, Gil, this doesn't make sense.
- It's a horse, honey, a racehorse.
Perhaps I'm awfully stupid,
but what do we want with a horse?
I'll tell you. Horse wins race,
owner wins money.
Owner gives money to girl he loves.
Girl saves sanitarium. It's very simple.
Very simple?
But what happens if horse loses race?
Oh, but he can't lose. He's a wonder.
I picked him up for a song, only $ 1500.
Fifteen hundred dollars?
That's all the money
you had in the world.
Well, I still have my job
singing at the casino.
Now, Gil. You return that horse at once
and get your money back.
You've got to go on
with your music.
You need money fast, more than
I could make 10 years of singing.
I don't care. I want you to be
a great singer, not a racetrack tout.
Oh, wait a minute.
That isn't fair!
- Are you going to return that horse?
- I can't. I just bought him.
You mean you don't want to. You'd rather
bet on a horse than on yourself.
- Of all the ungrateful people!
- What have I got to be grateful for?
You've thrown your career away on a long
shot and gambled away our happiness.
Here. Take your horse.
And I hope you're very happy with it.
I'm going to someone who understands me,
to Dr. Hackenbush.
Dr. Hackenbush? Why, I never heard
of him. Has he a sanitarium?
The biggest in Florida, that's what he said.
Of course, I was never there.
Hugo, I mean, Dr. Hackenbush,
always insisted on treating me in my home.
I didn't know there was a thing
the matter with me until I met him.