Excuse, please.
We're getting a lot of customers since
they heard Dr. "Hackenapuss" is coming.
- Did you say Hackenbush?
- Yes, ma'am.
I wonder if that could be
the same one.
Where does he come from?
- Where's your Hackenapuss come from?
- Palmville, Florida.
That's the one!
Why... Why, Judy!
Why didn't you tell me
Dr. Hackenbush was coming here?
Dr. Hackenbush?
Oh, I'm so excited!
Judy, why don't you make him
chief of staff.
He'd do wonders for the sanitarium.
With Dr. Hackenbush in charge,
I might help you financially.
I don't say I will, but I might.
Oh, Mr. Whitmore, have my bags
sent right up. I'm staying!
- Who's Dr. Hackenbush?
- I don't know.
But if she wants a Hackenapuss,
she's going to get a Hackenapuss.
- Here's a telegram for you, doc.
- What does it say?
Well, goes on to say...
How should I know?
"Come up and take care
of Mrs. Upjohn. Stop.
You can write your own ticket. Stop.
Come at once, Standish Sanitarium."
Mrs. Upjohn. Ah, Emily.
She never forgot that hayride.
Don't she know you're a vet?
She's so in love with me, she doesn't know
anything. That's why she's in love with me.
They could throw a horse doctor in jail
for treating people.
They can throw a horse doctor in jail
for not paying his rent too.
- Up in there.
- What have I got to lo...?