I've got it someplace.
I know it's someplace.
Here. I knew it was someplace.
Well, that's 15.
Have you got any more?
- I'll let you know in a minute.
- Quit stalling. Come on, hurry.
All right, I've got some more,
but I can't hurry.
Hey, what are you doing? Cut it...
Get up. What is this? Cut it...
What are you trying to do?
Get up.
Here! Come back here!
Well, that's fine. Now we owe
the sheriff $ 120 and a sock.
It's a good thing Judy doesn't have
to depend on me.
- I can't even hold on to the horse.
- No? Well, we hold on to the horse.
Say, if we only had some dough.
I got a tip on Sun-Up.
Sun-Up? He's in the next race!
We don't got much time!
Hey, wait! What are we gonna use
for money?
Hey! What are you doing,
you crazy kook, you?
Hey, look, look!
Sun-Up, he's 10-to-1.
Oh, boy, are we gonna clean up,
- We haven't any money to bet.
- Don't worry. I get us some money.
I find a sucker someplace.
Scram. I think I see a sucker coming now.
Get out of here.
Get your ice cream.
Two dollars on Sun-Up.
Hey. Hey, boss. Boss, come here.
You want something hot?
Not now. I just had lunch.
Anyhow, I don't like hot ice cream.
Hey, come here. I no sell ice cream.
That's fake to fool the police.
I sell tips on the horses. I got something
today can't lose. One dollar.
No. Some other time. I'm sorry.
I'm betting on Sun-Up. Some other time.
- Two dollars on Sun-Up.
- Hey, boss. Hey. Come here.
Sun-Up is the worst horse
on the track.
- I notice he wins all the time.
- Just because he comes in first.
I don't want him any better than first.
Two dollars on Sun-Up.
Hey, boss, come here.
Come here.