A Day at the Races

Stuffy! Stuffy! Hey, come here.
Hey, he won't hurt you.

No, no, come here.
This fella's a nice doctor.

You're hungry, eh?
You want some ice cream?

You want a nice, big steak?
With spinach?

All right, all right.
No spinach. No spinach.

Apple pie? And beautiful nurses?
Oh, baby, come on.
You're gonna get a nurse.

Oh, my, you're gonna get plenty.
- Have you seen Dr. Hackenbush?
- No, doctor.

Go find him.
Mrs. Upjohn wants him.

- What's the matter with Mrs. Upjohn?
- Nothing, in its most violent form.

- Pick me up at 5.
- Yes, sir.

- May I have an okay on this, please?
- I'm too busy right now.

I'll put the O on now
and come back later for the K.

- Dr. Hackenbush.
- A little later.

- Get me the Turkish bath.
- Yes, sir.

Dr. Hackenbush, Mrs. Upjohn
is complaining again...

...and these x-rays show
nothing wrong with her.

Is that so? Who are you gonna believe,
me or those crooked x-rays?

Doctor, the Turkish bath.
Hello? Gus, will you look in the steam room
and see if my frankfurters are done?

That will be all.
I have some important research.

Excuse me.
Oh, so you're the doctor.
Yeah, remember me?
I used to be in the book business.

Hey, forget about that, doc.
- I got some good news for you.
- Yeah? What are the odds?

No, no, it's no horse.
I got a patient for you.

Oh, a patient? Oh, fine.
What size?

- You didn't get him here any too soon.
- Hey, Stuffy!

Sit down here till I snatch you
from the jaws of death.

- Just sit quietly.
- Sit down.
