Either he's dead,
or my watch has stopped.
He's a good doctor.
Knows his business.
Singing doctor.
Here you are. Oh, come on.
This isn't gonna hurt.
- Come on, everybody gets that.
- Open up those pearly gates.
Flip this under your flapper. Attaboy.
- Didn't hurt, did it, huh?
- He's pretty sick, eh, doc?
Well, that temperature
certainly went down fast.
Hey, don't drink that poison!
That's $4 an ounce.
We better put him to bed.
He looks awfully sick today.
Better get him a nurse too.
If he thinks that, he'll go to bed.
- Come on.
- There, now. Take it easy, will you?
He's been a doctor for years,
this fella.
I've been a doctor longer than you've been
a patient, I'll tell you that.
Come on. Why do you do like that?
What do you think,
he's gonna play with you?
No, don't look at me.
Let me look at you, huh?
Don't look at me.
What do you think I am, a peepshow?
Get away there, will you?
It's rather a strange-Iooking sight.
- Yeah, it's serious, huh, doc?
- I haven't seen anything like this in years.
The last time I saw a head like that
was in a bottle of formaldehyde.
- I told you he was sick.
- That's all pure desiccation along there.
He's got about a 15-percent metabolism
with an overactive thyroid...
...and a glandular affectation
of about 3 percent.
- That's bad, huh?
- With a 1 -percent mentality.