A Day at the Races

I hate to admit it,
but I haven't got a leg to stand on.

Now, let's...
Hey, wait a minute!

- Bring that over here.
- There it goes.

- No, whip it around the other way.
- You keep quiet.

- We know what we're doing.
- Okay.

Say, I thought I wasn't
gonna be able to walk again.

- I got it too.
- It's fine now.

Stuffy, I got it. Come on.
1:44. That's bad.
You think that's bad?
I know something worse than that.

- Did Stuffy tell you?
- Tell me what?

- Hackenapuss, he's a horse doctor.
- What?

- Sure. Here, ask Stuffy.
- A horse doctor?

- Does anyone else know about this?
- Only Hackenapuss, and he won't talk.

It's bound to get out sooner or later.
There must be something
we can do to help Judy.

Yes. Hi Hat, you gotta win the race
and make us plenty of money.

Stuffy's right.
Hi Hat's too hungry to run.

I'm gonna get paid extra for singing
at the water carnival tonight.

That's fine. You sing,
I sell some more books...

...and Stuffy, he's gonna
put Hi Hat to bed.

I've gotta go to rehearsal.
See you later.

- All right. Good luck.
- Hey, you!

Hello, sheriff.
I told you not to take this horse out
till I got the rest of my dough.

We didn't take him out.
He walked out, we followed.

I warned you.
Now I'm taking the nag.

Hey, you can't take that horse. How will
we win money to pay the feed bill?

That don't mean a thing to me. I'm gonna
put him where nobody will take him out.
