Isn't it beautiful?
It's the prettiest number
I've ever seen.
Oh, Hugo, it's so impress...
Now what?
The idea!
Oh, now, Judy, wait a minute.
I want to talk to you.
You can't depend on Hackenbush.
Mrs. Upjohn is perfectly satisfied with
Dr. Hackenbush, and that's what matters.
In fact, she may take over
the notes tomorrow.
I guess everything's all right.
Nothing to worry about?
No, not a thing,
except that horse of yours.
Wait. That horse is all right.
He's in the pink.
Why, today he ran the mile in 1:36.
That horse is going places.
Oh, that's wonderful.
I wish you luck.
- Thanks. I'm sorry I bothered you.
- It's all right.
Now, Judy, I'm the biggest liar
in seven states.
He isn't all right,
he isn't in the pink...
...and it was 1:44 instead of 1:36...
...and the only place he'll go
is where the sheriff takes him.
You can't possibly mean Hi Hat.
Well, there's only one horse
in my stable.
Come on, let me have the rest of it.
The only thing I'm going
to say is this, Gil:
Don't ever let a horse
come between us again.