Oh, maybe we might like
to join the Buffaloes.
You're the president of the Buffaloes,
aren't you?
Yeah, but there's 15 other fellows
in the club.
Yeah, but when you get together
in Mr. Tyler's room...
and toast marshmallows and things...
you talk about who you're going to let in,
don't you?
I'm not allowed to tell what we do.
That's all you do.
You sit around Mr. Tyler's fireplace...
and talk about camping
and things like that.
Well, do you want to do
an act of friendship?
What if the others don't want you in?
Now look here, Charles...
you like being the president, don't you?
Certainly I do. It's an office of honor.
And what if you weren't
the president anymore?
- You can't do anything about it.
- Oh, yes, I can.
What if you weren't
at the school anymore?
I'm going to be at the school.
Harvey could buy the school
and shut it up. Couldn't you, Harvey?
No. That isn't what would happen.
Your father sells my father's automobiles
in Providence, doesn't he?
Well, then, do you think he'd like it
if you had a chance...
to do me an act of friendship
and didn't do it?
What if he woke up one day,
and my father took away...
all the automobiles he let him have to sell
and said:
"You're fired."
You know how many people
are out of jobs?
Millions of people.
And they're all hungry and in rags.
They can't send their sons to school.
You're not old enough to work...
so you'd have to go out
with your mother and father and beg.
And that certainly would be awful...
to have your mother sitting there,
all dressed up in rags...
and eating rotten bread
and things like that.
Wouldn't that be terrible?
Your father can't do that.
Now look, Charles,
I don't want him to do it.
I just say I don't want him to have to do it.
I know they won't let you in.
Monsieur Gattard will continue with...
second and third form French
on Thursdays...
which will replace Dr. Spitzer's
science section...
moved up to Friday afternoon.
That will give Dr. Spitzer
more time for golf.
- Thank you.
- That covers everything, gentlemen.
We'll reconvene at tomorrow night's
regular faculty meeting.
- Oh, Mr. Tyler.
- Yes, sir?
Harrison's doctor feels he needs
another month's rest.
Could you possibly take over
first form Latin?
Oh, I think so.
I thought you might like what added salary
the extra work would bring.