His attempt to resist the normal, healthy
discipline of being put into Coventry...
brought no further discipline from us.
But it did bring him a solid bash
on the nose from one of his fellows.
It was a blow, I am sorry to say,
that any one of the other 120 boys...
in the school
would have been glad to deliver.
Well, in that case...
- have some coffee, Dr. Finley.
- Thanks.
Now, tell me.
This bash on the nose came from a Bison?
- A Buffalo. Wellman is a Buffalo, isn't he?
- Yes, sir.
Perhaps you will accept
some coffee, too, Mr. Tyler.
Thank you, sir.
Really, Mr. Cheyne,
Harvey is great material.
He's simply been misdirected, that's all.
Smart. Why he has a mind
as fine as any in the school.
Well, he certainly fooled me.
It seems that I have begotten
a sort of junior Machiavelli.
Perhaps it's not my place to say this,
Mr. Cheyne...
but it's simply because you and he
have never had any relationship.
To him, you're just a machine pouring out
money, a machine he's trying to imitate.
If you take time out from being a tycoon
in big business and spend more time...
getting to know your own son,
you'll realize...
I'm sure Mr. Cheyne realizes that
very clearly now.
I can see that the school would do with
a little more cooperation with me, yes.
But you gentlemen must realize...
that besides being
both father and mother to Harvey...
I'm tied up in my own work...
in matters that also relate
to his future welfare.
I suppose what you want from me,
Dr. Finley...
is permission to deal as drastically
with Harvey...
as his future conduct might deserve.
I'm afraid we'll have to leave that
in your hands for a while, Mr. Cheyne.
For the rest of the spring term at least,
Harvey will have to be rusticated.
"Temporarily canned,"
I believe the boys call it.
Well, that is news. And here I'm trying
to put you on the carpet.
It seems a bit thick...
after the printing press
and all your other generosities...
but for that very reason,
for the effect on the other boys.
Oh, I understand perfectly, Doctor.
You've no other course.
Well, Bob, if we're going to catch
that train, we must be off.
Goodbye, Mr. Cheyne.
I'm sure that when Harvey comes back
in the fall...