it wouldn't be right nor just
to gamble two weeks good fishing...
against a yarn give out by an upset boy.
But I am a fair-minded man...
and while you're aboard,
I'll pay you wages. $3 a month.
- $3...
- Now come on, sonny.
You start helping Dan
with them cod livers.
Here's a pair of gloves.
We wash them out first,
then we put them in there...
and after we get the bucket full,
then we put them in the barrel.
That's how we get cod-liver oil.
- You think I'd do that?
- Here, they won't hurt you, little fish.
Yeah, you heard pop's orders.
You're one of the crew now.
I am not and I'm not going to work on
this boat and nobody can make me, either.
Hey, Disko, you hear this?
Come on now, don't be scared, little fish.
You keep away from me.
All of you keep away from me.
None of you can make me do anything.
Hey, Disko. You got mutiny on board.
If you don't want to help, just keep quiet.
When I get off this boat, I'm going to
get my father to put you all in jail.
You're all kidnappers.
Well, I guess there ain't nothing else to do.
I'll bet they put you all in jail.
In jail for the rest of your lives,
and I'm going to do it, too.
You hit me.
Now you just sit there
and think about it, sonny.
Look at Manuel. He's saving fish
to sleep on. Catch up, there!
Hey, I do more work as you do
with your best girl's six brothers.
Who in the tarnation
laid that bucket there? Dag-diggit!
Now, mind what I told you, son.
You're too young
to be telling a crew of men...
what you'll do and what you won't do.
But you might as well
start in learning a few things.
You see that gurry?
Well, when you've hove
them fish heads overside...
you can come below and get some supper.
Until you do, you get nothing.
I'm not going to eat, either.