Don't you never feel like this?
- No, I guess you don't.
- Nobody else ever did, either.
Say, my father, when he alive,
he made better songs than me.
And what kind of songs did he sing?
Songs about the sun and the sea.
Songs about the clouds.
Big songs about the wind and the storms.
And little songs, too,
about the tip of my mother's nose.
Oh, my father, he feel beautiful inside.
- Is that all he did, was sing?
- Is that...
My father was the best fisherman
in the whole Madeira Islands...
- and that's every place.
- Well, that's not so much.
How you mean, not so much?
Well, I mean, he didn't do much for you.
I mean, he didn't leave you anything.
He didn't leave...
He leave me this hurdy-gurdy
that his grandfather leave him.
He teach me how to fish,
how to sail a boat.
He gave me arms and hands and feet,
feeling good outside...
and he teach me how to feel good inside.
My father do all this.
He have 17 other kids, beside.
What else a father do, huh?
- Oh, I don't know.
- Say, listen, my...
Capt. Disko!
Capt. Disko!
That Jennie Cushman,
she is even now under our stern!
She come make you happy, I think!
The Jennie Cushman? I might've known it.
Yes, sir.
That's her nosy, long topmast
prying into our wake.
Hey, there! On the Cushman!
Where's that poor excuse for a skipper
you got aboard?
And who is it might be wanting him?
You know consarned well who wants him,
you bilge-raised haddock!
Well, if it ain't Disko Troop.
And me thinking
I was gonna fish here all alone.
Who passed you the word I was here
so you could follow me, Disko?
Now look here, Walt Cushman.
I'm sick near to retching...
at you using my brains
to catch a trip of fish.
Sailing under my wake
every time I find a good spot.