They sure are mad at each other,
aren't they?
No, no, no. They're not mad.
They just make it up.
They do that all time.
About everybody's crazy here.
You make up your songs,
they make up they're mad.
You got bunk, you better go below.
- No, I'd rather stay here.
- You go below.
- No, I'm gonna stay here and watch.
- I watch here. You go there, watch.
Go sleep. Do something.
I no understand you.
There's a place in my heart
For the one I love best
And I still keep her picture
Tattooed on my chest
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Yeah, ho, little fish
Don't cry, don't cry
Well, I stole a march on Walt Cushman
all right, I reckon, that time.
Yes, we did that, certain sure.
We did, you darned old farmer.
Go on, hold her to her course,
northeast by east.
She heels over so much.
Well, leave her heel. You ain't steering
no mowing machine, now.
Heave that lead, Manuel.
He think he got hold stern end
of cow, maybe, huh?
Hey, kid. Hey, wake up.
Come on, wake up, little fish.
Hey, wake up, wake up.
Somebody think you dead,
they have celebrations.
So that's your tub of rat poison.
You tucked him in his little bunk
last night, huh?
What do you mean?
This foolish kid, he bother me.
I don't know. He fall asleep,
pulled tarpaulin over him, I guess.