Blue pebble, she is.
By golly,
I think that Disko know this ocean better...
as I know inside my shirt.
- Are you fishing now?
- Sure.
I fish for bottom, so she don't fish for us.
Go away with your foolish questions,
which don't have no brain.
All right, then,
if that's the way you feel about it.
Fifteen fathom and clear away!
By golly, I beat you this time.
He who has a daughter
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
Speaking in his native lingo
He said, "Marry Bingo-Bingo"
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
He will bring you beans and sorrows
Yes, I know about his morals
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
Bingo-Bingo came to woo her
Brought a lot of presents to her
Oh, what a terrible man
Oh, what a terrible man
Dag-gummit, of all the consarned...
What's the matter, farmer?
Think you're sticking hogs?
This dad-bitted boat keeps bouncing
around under me, of all...
- What you laughing at?
- Him.
- Well, don't laugh.
- Why? Everybody else did.
It's all right, they got right to laugh.
They know how chop bait.
- You know how?
- Doesn't look like anything.
Go ahead, chop. Tail first.
Try it again, harder.
You fish for sperm whale, maybe.
Don't laugh. Beside, you laugh no good.
Like seagull.
I guess I want to do something.
Yes, but you wanna do
just what you want to do.
I tell you what you do.
You go below in galley and help Doc.
You carry slops.
You sweat in galley like Dan did
before you talk about being fisherman.