- Hey!
- All right.
Hiya, fellas.
Hiya, Angel.
Hiya, Tommy.
Hey, that's the new kid
moved on the block, ain't it?
Hey, you!
Yeah, you.
Get up here. Hurry up.
Come on, lift it around.
We ain't got all day.
Hey. You're new kid
moved on the block, ain't you?
- What's your name?
- Milton.
- You wanna belong to this gang?
- Yeah, sure.
You got any dough?
You gotta be initiated.
- l got three cents.
- Gimme it.
Give it over.
Don't hold out.
Get it up. Get it up.
- lt's all you got?
- Yeah.
- Sure?
- Honest.
- Search him.
- You don't have to.
Shut up.
lf you wanna belong to this gang,
you gotta have a quarter, see?
A quarter? Where am l
gonna get a quarter from?
- From your old lady.
- She wouldn't give me no quarter.
Well, you know where
she keeps her dough, don't you?
Gimme back my three cents.
l don't wanna hang out with you.
Can it, will you, Moe?
Gimme back my three cents!
l want my money back.
Come on.
Come on, gimme back
my three cents.
- You want your three cents?
- Yeah.
Stop it!
Get away! Get away!
Stop it! Get out of here!
What are you doing,
watching life in the slums?
ls it funny?
Why didn't you stop them?
Lady, you're scaring me.
- Are you hurt?
- They took my three cents!
- Tommy!
- l ain't got it.
- You?
- Not me. Don't look at me.
- You?
- l ain't got it.
- Go on. Give it back to her, Spit.
- Yeah.
- Come on. Quick.
- Shut up.
l'll crack you.
And l'll sock you
where it won't do you so much--