No dame gonna smack me first
and get away with it.
- Give her that dough.
- What for?
Give her that dough
or l'll have to smack you.
l can do my own fighting.
l don't need your help. Come on.
Give her that dough.
Here. Come on.
You look like a nice kid.
Stay away from them.
- They're no good.
- Yes, ma'am.
lt was a good fight.
Too bad it couldn't go to the finish.
Tough kids.
- You like?
- Sure, what's it mean?
He doesn't care what it means.
He saw it on Park Avenue,
so he thinks if he puts it up,
he'll get trade from our rich neighbors.
l ran up to your place last night,
but you hadn't come home.
Kay Burton and l went over to the park,
listened to music.
l wanted you to come along
and meet her.
l was late.
Very late.
Who are the choir boys?
l don't know.
That short one looks familiar.
We had a strike meeting last night.
l thought l told you.
l was telling Kay about you,
how when you was a kid
l used to come home from school
and tell you
everything l'd learned that day.
l was telling her what a swell girl you were
and how hard you've worked.
There. Picketing all day
is hard on the shoes.
The paper keeps 'em
from wearing out.
lt may save the shoes,
but it's hard on the feet.
l'm complaining.
When l think of the other people
who are striking,
most of them with big families.
l've only got Tommy and me
to worry about.
What's the matter, Drina?
Nothing. Nothing.