One, two, three.
You want some more,
you little rascal? l'll fix your wagon.
Look, if you want,
l can snitch that quarter for you.
Okay, kid.
That'll put you in the gang.
- What's your name?
- Milton.
Anybody gets funny with Milt
gets funny with me, see.
Come on, kid, see what you can do.
Okay, Tommy, okay.
See, he's a good kid.
He learns fast.
Remember the time
l moved around here?
l was wearin' white socks
and wouldn't curse.
You guys thought l was a sissy.
- Except me, Tommy.
- Yeah, except you.
Everybody else
l had to beat the pants off of first.
Yep, fellas.
lt all comes from learning.
Give me three and make 'em good.
- l'll take two.
- Five.
For years we been telling him
he can't take five.
Five he keeps sayin'.
- Four.
- You can only take three.
Gimme one.
l'm takin' two.
- Hiya, guys.
- Hiya, Tommy.
- Whatcha playin' for?
- We're just owin' today.
Deal me in the next hand, huh?
- Okay, Ange, what do you do?
- l blow.
- Blow me.
- What do you guys want?
- Get the--
- Get out.
Go on.
Get outta here.
That crazy brother o' mine.
Anybody see the rich kid?
Don't worry,
we been on the lookout for him.
Hey, T.B., feel that bump.
Just feel it.
- Me old man give it to me.
- For what?
For nothin'. Just like that.
For nothin'.
- So he comes in drunk.
- Hey.
- You're not coming up?
- Jean, l can't.