Dead End

Mom. Mom.
How are you, Mom? lt's me.
lt's me. l only had my face fixed.
You no-good tramp.
Mom, ain't you glad to see me?
That's how glad l am.
You dog.
You dirty yellow dog, you.

Mom, what kind of talk is that?
Don't call me Mom.
You ain't no son of mine.

What do you want from me now?
Then get out of here...
before l crack your face again!
Get out of here.
l killed a guy for lookin' at me
the way you are now.

you're a killer all right.
You're a murderer.
You're a butcher, sure.
Why don't you
leave me forget you?

Ain't l got troubles enough
with the cops

and newspapers bothering me?
And Johnny and Martha.
What's the matter with them?
None of your business.
Just leave us alone.

You never brought
nothing but trouble.

Just stay away
and leave us alone and die.
