l'd buy myself a soft drink stand
on the Merrick Road.
Nothing around here
but making old hags take in the garbage.
Why didn't you go on home
to dinner with him?
Doc did a pretty good job.
Jimmy, come on up.
Supper is ready. Come on.
Ain't we ever gonna eat anymore?
You know,
there must be something in it.
l mean to have a place to go to.
You sit in the same place every night.
lt's your own chair.
Not me. l'll take mine
in a dump with music,
where you can have
anything you want you can pay for.
You can have one thing one night,
something else the next.
l'm gettin' sick of what l can pay for.
l can remember different.
You've changed more
than your face, all right.
So you're gettin' ready for a little woman
and some kids, huh?
l got enough dough.
Well, l always say,
every sucker for what he wants.
That Francey.
That girl you want to see.
Why do you have to bother
with that cheap little--
Cheap little what?
Maybe l'm wrong.
We all make mistakes, boss.
That's why they put rubber
on the ends of pencils.
Well, who's the important
guy wants to see me?
Come on, come on. l'm busy.
How do you know my name?
Who are you?
Well, for the love of...
How are you, Marty?
You did something to your face.