Not a sign of Tommy anywhere.
Yeah, l know. l've been all over.
Don't worry, Drina.
He knows his way around.
He can take care of himself.
He can take care of himself
too well.
How could he
have done such a thing?
Where does he learn
about knives and--
He had an expert teacher.
Anyway, it's not hard to learn
in a place like this.
But, he's not a bad kid.
Not really bad.
He never has been.
The famous Baby Face Martin
used to live on this block.
He wasn't such a bad kid either, at first.
He was smart and brave
and decent, at first.
Like Tommy, you mean.
Ever since he was a little kid,
l've tried to teach him what's right.
l don't know what else to do.
l've tried to bring him up decent.
What chance have they got
against all this?
They've got to fight for a place to play,
fight for a little extra something to eat,
fight for everything.
They get used to fighting.
Enemies of society,
it says in the papers.
Why not? What have they got
to be so friendly about?
lt didn't do those things to you.
Didn't it? Well, it did
enough to me, the other way.
lt made them accept it
and get tough about it.
lt made me into a fool.
l spent my life dreaming
about tearing these places down.
Well, l found out today.
l saw myself and these rotten holes
we live in through somebody else's eyes.
l wanted to tear them down
with my fingers.
Yeah, you always talked about that--
how you were going to
tear all this down
and all the other places like them.
How you were going to build
a decent world
where people could live decent
and be decent.
But now you want them down
just so she won't see them
'cause they're not pretty
for her to see.
All it means to you now
is whether or not you get her.
Well, go on and get her.
And forget all this.
And if you can forget, it's all you
were ever good for in the first place!